5月11日, “一带一路”商事法治环境主题论坛在西安市举行。本次论坛由中国贸促会、陕西省人民政府主办,中国贸促会法律事务部、陕西省贸促会、西北政法大学、中国人民大学法学院、中国政法大学国际法学院、中国政法大学仲裁研究院、西安交通大学法学院、中国贸促会陕西自由贸易试验区服务中心、中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会丝绸之路仲裁中心共同承办,中国贸促会企业权益保护中心协办。
新加坡律政部副常任秘书韩国元开幕式上表示,此次论坛着力促进政府间合作,也将为企业发展带来新的机遇。新加坡愿意和中国及其他国家一起,为 “一带一路”倡议推进构建一套具有公信力的争端解决机制。
开幕式由陕西省贸促会党组书记、会长薛华主持, “一带一路”沿线国家和地区的中外法律界专家学者、相关部门和企业界代表180余人出席论坛。来自英国、比利时、西班牙、保加利亚、哈萨克斯坦、新加坡、马来西亚、柬埔寨、巴基斯坦、香港等“一带一路”沿线国家和地区的政府部门、国际组织、学术机构代表和国际经贸领域法律专家、学者共同围绕“ ‘一带一路’国际商事争端预防机制建立”、“‘一带一路’国际仲裁与司法合作”、“‘一带一路’自贸试验区法治环境建设”等议题,进行深入探讨。
论坛闭幕式上,各方参会嘉宾共同发布了《“一带一路”商事法治环境主题论坛西安宣言》,宣布将共同推动“一带一路”商事法律交流合作、共建国际商事争端预防和解决机制以及 “一带一路”商事法治环境建设。
The “Belt & Road” Commercial and Legal Environment Theme Forum
Xi’an Declaration
今天,在美丽的古城西安,来自英国、比利时、西班牙、保加利亚、哈萨克斯坦、新加坡、马来西亚、柬埔寨、巴基斯坦、中国香港、全球贸易协会等“一带一路”共建国家和地区的政府部门、工商组织、学术机构代表和国际经贸领域法律专家、学者欢聚一堂,共同参加第三届丝绸之路国际博览会一带一路”商事法治环境主题论坛。(宣读人:中国贸促会法律部副部长 刘超)
Today, the beautiful ancient city Xi’an attracts delegates from government agencies, business organizations, academic institutions and legal experts and scholars in the field of international economy and trade from countries and regions along the “Belt & Road”, including the UK, Belgium, Spain, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia, Pakistan, Hong Kong and AMFORI, to attend the “Belt & Road” Commercial and Legal Environment Theme Forum. (Speaker: Mr. Liu Chao Deputy Director General of Legal Service Department of CCPIT )
The forum is organized under the theme of the “Belt & Road” commercial and legal environment, and is mainly aimed to release the country-based legal research findings of countries and regions along the “Belt & Road”, to establish the “Belt & Road” international commercial dispute prevention mechanism, to promote international arbitration and judicial cooperation, and to discuss on the development of the legal environment of pilot free trade zones. The forum is also designed to reach broad consensus among partner countries and regions along the “Belt & Road”, and provide more effective commercial and legal guarantee system.
“一带一路”倡议植根于丝绸之路的历史土壤。习近平主席提出的“一带一路”倡议就是要加强丝绸之路共建国家和地区互联互通,实现经济共荣、民心相通,实现优势互补、互利共赢,不断朝着人类命运共同体方向迈进建设。建设自由贸易试验区,是新时期中国全面深化改革和扩大开放的重要标志,陕西自由贸易试验区作为“一带一路”经济合作和人文交流的重要支点,肩负着重要使命。(宣读人:保加利亚雇主和工业家联合会首席执行官 Evgeniy Ivanov先生)
The “Belt & Road” Initiative takes roots in the history of the Silk Road. The purpose of the “Belt & Road” Initiative formulated by President Xi Jinping is to improve the connectivity of partner countries and regions on the silk roads, achieve common economic prosperity, complementarity in trade and closer people-to-people ties,, share complementary advantages for mutual benefits and win-win outcomes, and strive for the goal of building a community of shared future for mankind. The development of pilot free trade zone is an important milestone of deepening reform and opening-up of China in the new era. As a key pivot for the economic cooperation and people-to-people exchanges along the “Belt & Road”, Shaanxi Pilot Free Trade Zone shoulders significant missions.
加强“一带一路”商事法律交流合作。支持深化政府间合作,构建多层次政府间法治交流机制。鼓励加强科研机构交流,深化对各国法律体系和法治制度的研究。促进开展法律服务行业人才交流。通过搭建多双边商事法律合作平台,帮助各国企业了解更多国家法律制度及最新发展动态,树立规则意识,提高法律风险防范能力。(宣读人:柬埔寨皇家法律与经济大学Soeun Sophorn先生(苏萨颇), 副校长)
To enhance the “Belt & Road” exchanges and cooperation on commercial and legal affairs. We will support inter-governmental cooperation, establish multi-tiered inter-governmental legal exchange mechanism. We will encourage exchanges among research institutions, probe into the law systems and the legal systems. We will intensify exchanges among the legal service professionals. Through building bilateral commercial legal affairs cooperation platform, we will put in place stable information-sharing mechanisms, helping companies to learn about the legal systems of more countries and their most recent developments to improve their awareness of rule-based business and improve their ability to guard against legal risks.
共建国际商事争端预防和解决机制。 我们支持广泛联合有关国家和地区工商组织、法律服务机构等各类法律服务资源,秉承共商、共建、共享的基本理念,共同推动设立新的国际商事争端预防与解决机制,通过提供宣传、培训、磋商、调解、仲裁等多元化争端预防和纠纷解决服务,为国际社会搭建更多商事法律服务公共平台。[宣读人:巴基斯坦之屋智库主席,General(Ret.)Ehsan Ul Haq(爱山·哈克将军)]
To establish dispute prevention and settlement mechanism of international commercial affairs. Under the principle of achieving shared growth through discussion and collaboration, we will unite with industrial and commercial organizations, legal service agencies, and various legal service resources of relevant countries and regions, and work to establish new dispute prevention and settlement mechanism of international commercial affairs, and build more public platforms of commercial law services by offering publicity, training, negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and other diverse dispute prevention and settlement services.
推动“一带一路”商事法治环境建设。“法者,天下之准绳也”。我们支持各国共同探索商事法治环境建设机制和对策,共同商议推进法治合作的规划和措施,共同推动建设与国际法律规则相适应的“一带一路”法律体系。坚决秉承法治精神,坚守法治内容,促进互联互通,为各国市场主体打造国际化、法制化、便利化的的国际营商环境。(英国欧华律师事务所国际仲裁部欧洲区主任Philip Chong(张骏德))
To promote the development of the “Belt & Road” commercial and legal environment. “The laws are the criteria of the world.” We support countries to jointly explore mechanisms and solutions on the development of commercial rule of law environment, discuss plans and measures promoting rule of law cooperation, and jointly establish the “Belt & Road” legal system that is adapted to the international laws and rules. We will adhere to the spirit and letter of the rule of law, promote mutual connectivity, and build an internationalized, legalized and facilitating international commercial environment for market entities in these countries.
Shared Vision:
古丝绸之路绵亘万里,延续千年,积淀了以和平合作、开放包容、互学互鉴、互利共赢为特征的丝绸之路精神。习近平主席提出的“一带一路”倡议,就是要把中国发展同世界发展结合起来,把中国梦同各国人民的梦想结合起来,赋予古代丝绸之路以全新的时代内涵。(宣读人:全球贸易协会总干事Christian Ewert 艾伟德先生)
The ancient Silk Road covered thousands of kilometers and spanned thousands of years, and we have inherited the Silk Road spirit featuring peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit, and win-win cooperation. The “Belt & Road” initiative proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping is intended to integrate development of China with the development of the world, and combine the Chinese dream with the dreams of the peoples from other countries, thus endowing a brand-new contemporary meaning to the ancient Silk Road.
我们致力于推动“一带一路”法治化建设,通过加强共建国家和地区商事法律交流,打造国际商事争端预防和解决中心,完善“一带一路”商事法治环境,携手构建广泛的利益共同体,助力实现“一带一路”倡议最高目标。(宣读人:德和衡律师事务所新加坡分所主任 郑心仁)
We are committed to promoting the development of legalization along the “Belt & Road”, stepping up commercial law exchanges of partner countries and regions, establishing international commercial dispute prevention and settlement center, improving the “Belt & Road” commercial and legal environment, so as to build an extensive community of shared interests to achieve the paramount goal of the “Belt & Road” Initiative.
We expect this event to enrich the content of the “Belt & Road” Initiative, expand the areas of cooperation under the “Belt & Road” Initiative, and concretely optimize the development of the “Belt & Road” commercial and legal environment.